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The Sun Will Still Rise Tomorrow

There are few days I love as much as election day. A bit nerdy, I know, but the idea that we all have the freedom to not only hold our own opinion but to voice it will always fill me with a sense of patriotic pride. These days though it seems that not everyone is supportive of the idea of everyone having their own individual thoughts and beliefs.

For example, I shared facts, actual bona fide facts, on my Instagram story that support my personal opinion and I received several messages telling me I need to keep politics off my social media if that’s who I’m planning on voting for. I’ve shared tweets encouraging people to vote without naming either candidate and was still bombarded with hate mail by folks who assumed who I was voting for. In a past tweet where I did name which candidate I was supporting, a woman informed me that I was “arrogant” for sharing my opinion which was a bit ironic considering her timeline was filled with support for the other candidate. I guess the sole reason she “just couldn’t like me even though she tried” was because we were planning on voting for opposing candidates.

Can I just say, what the heck has happened to us?! When did we become so hypocritical, so bitter toward each other simply for having our own beliefs?

One of my best and oldest friends is voting for Biden, and I voted for Trump. Guess what? We’re still friends. I still know that she is a good person, truly one of the best, and I hope that she thinks the same of me. Now, I know that I’m not a genius or wise beyond my years, but I’ve had a lot of time alone in a tractor to mull things over this fall, and I’ve come to the conclusion that a good majority of us want the same end result.

You read that right.

We want the same result, but we have differing opinions on the best way to get there.

I don’t know a single person who wants kids to go hungry, who wants to send folks to war when it’s unnecessary, who wants people of different races, gender, or sexual orientation to be treated differently, etc. Not a single person has the right to claim the morally superior high ground based on who they voted for, and if they do, then they’re part of the problem.

When God commanded us to love thy neighbor, He didn’t mean love they neighbor…..but only if they agree with you on everything. He meant love thy neighbor

  •  even if they run red equipment
  • even if they cheer for Ohio State
  • even if they vote for [insert candidate here]

Now don’t get me wrong, I’d really love it if you voted the same way I did, but no matter what boxes you checked on the ballot, I hope you exercised your right to vote, and I’ll respect your right to your opinion. Remember, you have no right to complain for the next four years if you didn’t.

If the outcome of this election is causing you stress or anxiety, please for the love of all things holy, take a step back and count your blessings. Whether those blessings be your family, your friends, your dog, or something as simple as the sun shining on a beautiful day, there is so much to be grateful for. There’s so much out there that’s more important than the outcome of an election.

No matter what happens, God is still king and the sun will still rise tomorrow, so let’s all be kind to one another in the meantime.


  • I hope that you take time communing with your Heavenly Father each day,😊🙏👏 to the point where you are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, His impressions on your heart and yours on His.Because in these crazy times that may be the most important item for our sanity and protection. And please “crack” your Bible as often as you may crack another book. Wishing you all the best! I love your comments on the videos as they are pertinent and even humorous at times. “I’ll probably fall in the well & there’s no Lassie to rescue me”..LOL say it so calmly that it tickles me. I will pray that you never fall in the well!! Warm regards, Riker

  • Great stuff ya got going Erin. Love your point of view and pleasant nature. Your the real deal. There will always be “opposition in all things” this is God’s way. You handle it with grace. Love your dirt squirrel shirts. I want to order one for my 14 year old granddaughter. Will you ship to Canada? We suffer from a level of socialism up here. Lol. I worry about you guys now. America became great, the american dream became possible, because of your free enterprise system with minimal government intervention. Benjamin Franklin said: Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt they have more need of masters. God bless you. Oh, I keep a hockey stick and ice skates in my gmc seirra at all time. Ya never know.

  • It’s so sad that this “opinion” is thought of as irresponsible or arrogant or yes even racist. I grew up in middle TN and hauled hay on the 40 from Nashville to Amarillo, and on the 35 from Wichita to Austin and this mentality essentially only exists in the Midwest. I now live in rural Oregon (still growing hay but a much smaller operation) and this moralistic mentality isn’t allowed anywhere near the cities. I MUST think like the herd and not vote out of line I don’t know how we got here. I don’t know how we get back. I just turn to my wife and kids and think…….“have I showed them love today”? Because when all this crashes, I want them to know, without a shadow of doubt, THEY WERE LOVED! We all need to be loved and accepted, it showing more and more everyday. I hope most of us can calm down and realize that the world (and the US) is massive and there is enough room for everyone. Even if you don’t agree with them!

  • I find the warmth of your words and the calm of your kindness more refreshing than the coldest drink on the hottest day after hours of physical labor. I sleep easier and wake more optimistic knowing people like you exist. Thank you for being you, truly.

    Andrew Daniels
  • You are so correct. We all want the same things in the end. I hope you continue to live your convictions and be the apparently wonderful woman you seem to be. God Bless you, your family, and the USA.

    Rob Young

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