The Sun Will Still Rise Tomorrow
There are few days I love as much as election day. A bit nerdy, I know, but the idea that we all have the freedom to not only hold our own opinion but to voice it will always fill me with a sense of patriotic pride. These days though it seems that not everyone is supportive of the idea of everyone having their own individual thoughts and beliefs.
For example, I shared facts, actual bona fide facts, on my Instagram story that support my personal opinion and I received several messages telling me I need to keep politics off my social media if that’s who I’m planning on voting for. I’ve shared tweets encouraging people to vote without naming either candidate and was still bombarded with hate mail by folks who assumed who I was voting for. In a past tweet where I did name which candidate I was supporting, a woman informed me that I was “arrogant” for sharing my opinion which was a bit ironic considering her timeline was filled with support for the other candidate. I guess the sole reason she “just couldn’t like me even though she tried” was because we were planning on voting for opposing candidates.
Can I just say, what the heck has happened to us?! When did we become so hypocritical, so bitter toward each other simply for having our own beliefs?
One of my best and oldest friends is voting for Biden, and I voted for Trump. Guess what? We’re still friends. I still know that she is a good person, truly one of the best, and I hope that she thinks the same of me. Now, I know that I’m not a genius or wise beyond my years, but I’ve had a lot of time alone in a tractor to mull things over this fall, and I’ve come to the conclusion that a good majority of us want the same end result.
You read that right.
We want the same result, but we have differing opinions on the best way to get there.
I don’t know a single person who wants kids to go hungry, who wants to send folks to war when it’s unnecessary, who wants people of different races, gender, or sexual orientation to be treated differently, etc. Not a single person has the right to claim the morally superior high ground based on who they voted for, and if they do, then they’re part of the problem.
When God commanded us to love thy neighbor, He didn’t mean love they neighbor…..but only if they agree with you on everything. He meant love thy neighbor
- even if they run red equipment
- even if they cheer for Ohio State
- even if they vote for [insert candidate here]
Now don’t get me wrong, I’d really love it if you voted the same way I did, but no matter what boxes you checked on the ballot, I hope you exercised your right to vote, and I’ll respect your right to your opinion. Remember, you have no right to complain for the next four years if you didn’t.
If the outcome of this election is causing you stress or anxiety, please for the love of all things holy, take a step back and count your blessings. Whether those blessings be your family, your friends, your dog, or something as simple as the sun shining on a beautiful day, there is so much to be grateful for. There’s so much out there that’s more important than the outcome of an election.
No matter what happens, God is still king and the sun will still rise tomorrow, so let’s all be kind to one another in the meantime.
On October 16th I purchased two items from this website. Despite a notification that the items were delivered, they were not. I was home the entire day the alleged delivery happened. I contacted Erin privately via Twitter and she responded saying she was busy with harvest and would look into it. I never heard anything from her again. I’m out $64. Be careful.
Thank you so much for saying the truth, sister. I am a Christian too, and it feels like we’re getting more and more grief for our beliefs lately. I know that not everyone is going to believe the way I do, but I still try to treat everyone the way I wish to be treated. With respect and common decency. I say ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ to people all the time, and sometimes they look at me like I have a bird sitting on my head. Well, if I do have a bird on my head, it’s a dove. :-) Anyway, just wanted to send some blessings your way, since I’ve been enjoying your videos and posts for a few weeks now. I grew up on a family dairy farm in Western Oregon and totally relate to simple farm life, as crazy as it can be sometimes. Here’s hoping you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Erin, you brighten mine and my wife’s day. You joke about school rivalries in the Midwest,, down here we have A&M and University of Texas they love to joke about each other. We are old enough to be your parents, though we have no children. You are an achiever, and you’re likely to continue that throughout your life. I was fortunate to work worldwide with many various people and cultures. It’s my belief that what sets achievers apart always begins with “ work ethic “. . I think you have that one down…it’s part of your DNA. It’s true that America is blessed, being born here is a great start, add to that the ethic which dictates to your soul that doing all you can can be super-charged by a willingness to do what is necessary. You are going to be amazed by what awaits in your future…love to follow the story as far as you take it. Thanks for sharing your youth, character, ideas and ambitions. It’s gonna amaze you when you look around and see where you’ve arrived.
I accidentally posted my response before I finished. Sorry… so here’s the rest of it. This is only about the 3rd blog I’ve ever responded to in my life and I’m doing this for one simple reason… you typed out some of the exact thoughts I’ve had in recent years. And please forgive me in advance, Erin, if some of what I say seems to run on, I repeat myself, or some of what I type sounds like Ozzy Osborne after a stroke. I read this blog of yours just a few days after you wrote it and I’ve spent anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or longer nearly everyday since thinking about what you typed out, and I’ve reread it several times since, and I finally decided that if you felt it was important enough to spend your time writing, then I could in turn respond with a little bit of my time to acknowledge your thoughts and intelligence you have displayed typing this out. On a side note before I get started, you have the same kinda back handed sense of humor I have with the “love thy neighbor even if the run red equipment, or even if they cheer for Ohio state” etc, haha! I actually laughed out loud just a bit imagining a female voice, verbalizing something I’d have said myself. But anyhow, I digress… to add to your voicing and mirroring almost word for word my exact thought of “what happened to us being hypocritical, and bitter toward each other simply for having our own beliefs(I’m paraphrasing a little of course). Don’t say that you’re not “wise beyond your years”, this blog alone says otherwise. Granted the only interaction I have with you so far is seeing or hearing you on some social media app on my phone or computer, however, I can piece together enough to determine a few things about you. You are a determined woman, you aren’t afraid to get dirty and work, you have strong morals, yet you seem to lack confidence in yourself on certain things in life> Just doing what you do from what I see on social media, puts you light years ahead of 90% of people. Just making the first move or attempt is more than most people ever do! Getting back to people not tolerating other people having their only thoughts and beliefs. I’m not gonna get into the details of how displaying a level of ignorance so openly because someone doesn’t have the exact same thoughts and beliefs you have yourself, is a very sad and huge red flag for how poorly educated people have become. I will say this much, many people have become what I call “Sheeple”, meaning that they are blindly lead around by biased and fake news, and they are influenced so easily to believe what they hear without doing even a little bit of their own research to verify a little thing called “facts”. With practically everyone having the worlds information in their pocket or clipped on their hip, its alarming at how poorly informed and poorly educated people are to actual facts about people, events, politics, etc. It seems they cant be inconvenienced with spending time researching a news story, or the validity of story about a political candidate, yet they will effortlessly spend 15 minutes taking a quiz on “what kind of potato would you be if you were planted in a filed” or some app or social media quiz thats just as stupid sounding as the name I just made up. Don’t even get me started on people who played “FarmVille” and were paying people money in real life to tend to their FarmVille crops and animals because “they were to busy working”. That alone gives me high blood pressure. It boils down to people not wanting to have to face ugly truths, and have to put in any effort that involves more than just a few taps on a screen. No matter where you go on this planet, everyone will admit to and agree that eating vegetables is healthy for you. But no body wants to eat vegetables and fruits in place of cheeseburgers, and processed foods loaded with sodium, chemicals, and preservatives. Instead they want to get on a “minimal effort diet” that requires little to no change in dietary or exercise habits. There is such a small percentage, dare I say fraction of a percentage, of people willing to make changes and put in hard work and have the will power and determination to get informed, or put in the hard work to make a change.
The other thing I think that has made people they way they are about not being tolerant of people having different viewpoints and beliefs from theirs is one thing… the internet! What I mean by that is a few things. First being that the internet has made it way to easy for people to broadcast nonsense and misinform people with things they post all over the world. Now before someone reads this and has a nuclear meltdown, I am not saying that I don’t believe in people right to free speech… think free speech is one of the greatest things we have in life. But going back to what I said before about the poorly educated and ignorant people broadcasting whatever they are told by lousy news sources, it turns into the ignorant leading the more ignorant. Think back(or google back) 150+ years ago. Long before social media, the internet, or even the telephone. News traveled slow… really slow. And I’d be willing to bet that nearly 99% of news and information that was broadcast was verified and purposely intended to be as factual as could be about the subject at the time it was written or published. It took days, weeks, and months for news to travel from town to town, state to state, country to country, and so on. Now, we can update someone on the opposite side of the planet on the fact that “My cat hacks up some of the largest hair balls Ive ever seen” along with a picture, or some similarly silly post in a matter of seconds!!! I think social media can be great, and even fun and useful. But it can also be just as damaging by allowing nonsense and unverified, or purposely false/biased information to be broadcast across the word in just seconds! Also, while on the subject of the internet and social media… I think people have become way too comfortable with putting on an officious stance when they are hiding behind a screen. Again, I think free speech is great and should always be exercised to an extent. Yeah you might leave a scathing review about a restaurant that “didn’t live up to the expectations it advertised” for example. Well you know what, maybe that waitress or manager was having a bad day, maybe they are sick maybe they suffered a loss, maybe they are going through something you clearly have no clue about. It’s easy to go home and get on a computer and bash a person or company. It’s not as easy to say those same things to a persons face with the chance of them reacting and giving you a dose of your own careless behavior to a certain situation. I call it “computer courage”. All I’m saying is that if we went back to the Wild West days where duels were still a thing, I’d bet nearly anything that there would be a lot less “offended people”. The fact that people are different and have their own opinions and ideas are what encourages change, and progression, and new experiences in life. If everyone liked the same thing, life would be terribly boring! You may like John Deere, maybe I dont, but I’m not trying to get Deere to be banned and illegal because “I don’t like them” or “they shouldn’t be allowed to exist because the color green is offensive me for some reason” If you don’t like something… don’t participate in it. I’m not a big fan of romantic comedies, as are most men, but we arent banning together as men to eradicate romantic comedies from being allowed to made in Hollywood because we dont like them. We simply don’t watch them. You may not believe in God, or a higher power. Hey thats fine, you are a human and you are allowed to believe whatever you want to believe, you have your own free will! Now where things go south for extremists that try to force their beliefs onto everyone else, is they forcefully make people hate them by basically saying “well you’re stupid, or a lesser being because you don’t believe what I believe”. People create hate by trying to control and influence other people against their will. If you turn on the radio and their is music playing that you dont like, what do you do? You change the station! You dont call and try to get the station shut down and the genre of music being played outlawed! So what sense does it make to force your beliefs on other people? Who is to determine who’s right, and who’s wrong? I can read just well enough to remember reading a part of the Bible that says “you have no authority to cast judgement on others” I’m paraphrasing of course, but you get the idea. As long as what you believe or do doesn’t cause harm to others, then you should be free to keep doing that. But when what you do causes harm to others, that should not be tolerated on any level. What matters are facts, and that people have their own free will in life. No one, on any level, in any area of life, has any right to say that they know what’s best and that you have to do what they say(on a side note I’m starting to wonder if any of those people have ever been married and tried bossing their spouse around, especially their wife?) I’m starting to ramble on and make less sense as I proof read my reply. So in closing, I agree with you 110% on what you said, and I didn’t mean to high jack your blog but I kept thinking about it and thought I would send some encouragement back to you! Keep doing what you are doing, keep your head up, dont let what others think affect your life, and never be afraid to distance or cut someone out of your life that tries to control or overwhelm you to comply with what they want you to believe. Family, friends, co workers, etc. I believe family should be one of the strongest bonds in anyone’s life, but some of the most toxic people in life can be the ones who are closest to you and know, or atleast think, that you would never cut them out of your life. I’m all for forgiveness as well. I will forgive almost anybody, but I wont let you back into my life close enough to me to ever have the opportunity to take advantage or do me wrong again. Anyhow, again, I’m glad you posted this. Hopefully my being awake for 18 hours with only 3 hours sleep isn’t make me sound like a rambling idiot. If so I’m sorry. Lol. Take care, be safe, and never forget you never know who you could be encouraging to do better in life just by being yourself!
This is only about the 3rd blog I’ve ever responded to in my life and I’m doing this for one simple reason… you typed out some of the exact thoughts I’ve had in recent years. And please forgive me in advance, Erin, if some of what I say seems to run on, I repeat myself, or some of what I type sounds like Ozzy Osborne after a stroke. I read this blog of yours just a few days after you wrote it and I’ve spent anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or longer nearly everyday since thinking about what you typed out, and I’ve reread it several times since, and I finally decided that if you felt it was important enough to spend your time writing, then I could in turn respond with a little bit of my time to acknowledge your thoughts and intelligence you have displayed typing this out. On a side note before I get started, you have the same kinda back handed sense of humor I have with the “love thy neighbor even if the run red equipment, or even if they cheer for Ohio state” etc, haha! I actually laughed out loud just a bit imagining a female voice, verbalizing something I’d have said myself. But anyhow, I digress… to add to your voicing and mirroring almost word for word my exact thought of “what happened to us being hypocritical, and bitter toward each other simply for having our own beliefs(I’m paraphrasing a little of course). Don’t say that you’re not “wise beyond your years”, this blog alone says otherwise. Granted the only interaction I have with you so far is seeing or hearing you on some social media app on my phone or computer, however, I can piece together enough to determine a few things about you. You are a determined woman, You arent afraid to get dirty and work, I’m not gonna get into the details of how displaying a level of ignorance so openly because someone doesn’t have the exact same thoughts and beliefs you have yourself, is a very sad and huge red flag for how poorly educated people have become. I will say this much, many people have become what I call “Sheeple”, meaning that they are blindly lead around by biased and fake news, and they are influenced so easily to believe what they hear without doing even a little bit of their own research to verify a little thing called “facts”. With practically everyone having the worlds information in their pocket or clipped on their hip, its alarming at how poorly informed and poorly educated people are to actual facts about people, events, politics, etc. It seems they cant be inconvenienced with spending time researching a news story, or the validity of story about a political candidate, yet they will effortlessly spend 15 minutes taking a quiz on “what kind of potato would you be if you were planted in a filed” or some app or social media quiz thats just as stupid sounding as the name I just made up. Don’t even get me started on people who played “FarmVille” and were paying people money in real life to tend to their FarmVille crops and animals because “they were to busy working”. That alone gives me high blood pressure. It boils down to people not wanting to have to face ugly truths, and have to put in any effort that involves more than just a few taps on a screen. No matter where you go on this planet, everyone will admit to and agree that eating vegetables is healthy for you. But no body wants to eat vegetables and fruits in place of cheeseburgers, and processed foods loaded with sodium, chemicals, and preservatives. Instead they want to get on a “minimal effort diet” that requires little to no change in dietary or exercise habits. There is such a small percentage, dare I say fraction of a percentage, of people willing to make changes and put in hard work and have the will power and determination to get informed, or put in the hard work to make a change.