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hey, hi, hello

Let’s be real here: I have absolutely no idea how to go about this whole blogging business. I’ve put it off for years for a lot of different reasons, but mainly, why the heck would anyone care what I (not the most talented writer or interesting person by any means) have to say? But things kind of hit the fan in my life here recently, so I thought what do I have to lose by going for it?

While I may seem outgoing on social media, I’m the complete opposite in real life. Introverted? Yes. Play by the rules? Yes. Overthink everything? Yes. Completely terrified of going out of my comfort zone? Yes, yes, and yes.

But, as cliché as it may sound, the very best things in my life happened when I ventured out of my own little bubble. I joined a sorority and made some of my very best friends. I moved across the world by myself to do a study abroad program. Don’t get me wrong, I cried the entire first week I was there because I was so homesick, but I made it and it was probably the single best experience of my life so far. I’ve met some of the very best people I’ve ever known during the times when I let my guard down for once. And I’ve been given some amazing opportunities when I’ve ignored the little voice in the back of my head telling me I couldn’t do it and jumped in headfirst.

So, this is me letting my guard down and going way, wayyy out of my comfort zone in the hopes of reaching one of my goals and sharing an honest look at my life. As a mid-twenty something woman trying to figure out what the heck her life is going to look like. As a brand spanking new small business owner still working on finding what works. As a daughter coming back to the family business. There’s a good chance that the only person who ever reads this is my best friend, but it’ll be worth putting myself out there if even one person stumbles across it and thinks to themselves, “Hey, I feel like that too, and I’m not alone.”


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    Victoria Tate

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